Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

The aim of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is to gain deeper insight into your distress, in order to change, develop and reach your full potential.

Unconscious forces can exert a great influence on our behaviour, and we are often unaware of these forces. Trauma during childhood can result in unconscious, raw, unprocessed experience that blocks healing.When unconscious factors are causing distress and unhappiness, it can be extremely difficult to overcome this alone. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy enables you to discover the unconscious forces that may be preventing you from living the life you want to live. Long-term, stable  therapy provides a safe place for unprocessed experiences to be accessed and worked through at a safe pace.

Many people come into therapy realising that they are repeatedly coming up against the same kinds of difficulties in their life. Psychotherapy helps you to understand why you keep repeating patterns that are harmful or self-defeating. Maybe you want to understand why you can't overcome a particular problem or feeling.  Psychodynamic Psychotherapy also helps you identify what blocks you from more constructive behaviours and decisions in your life. 

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy involves exploration and expression of your feelings, thoughts, fears, fantasies and unconscious motivations. Through the therapy alliance between the patient and the therapist, there is a unique opportunity to understand patterns and problems in the way you perceive and respond to others, particularly issues around trust, intimacy and dependence. 

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy gives you the opportunity to understand present problems in terms of past experience, particularly childhood experiences. This does not mean focusing on the past but gaining insight into how unresolved issues from the past are affecting you, or being re-enacted in the present. 

This therapy is suited to people who want to make a serious commitment to understanding themselves, and how they can change. Therapy sessions can be attended twice or three times a week to provide therapy that is very intensive but  also very holding and containing. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy enables people to unlock their potential and experience more happiness and fulfilment.