Psycho- education


People with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders come to therapy struggling with many physical and emotional experiences that are overwhelming and confusing. 

Some people  become easily dysregulated. They get  flooded with anxiety, fear and  panic. Their nervous system goes into overdrive.

Other people  become numb and don't feel anything. Their nervous system goes into shutdown.

Some people oscillate between the two.

 Education can be a key component of your therapy.

Learning how past trauma  affects your brain and body is extremely important and gives you more control over your life.

Understanding symptoms in terms of trauma reactions and trauma memories, helps you to make sense of what is happening to you in the present.  Many of the symptoms  you are struggling with are normal reactions to trauma, neglect or abuse. Once you understand what is happening and learn techniques to calm your mind and body, you can start to increase your feeling of safety and well-being.  This becomes the foundation for your therapy.